Waiver-Release Form B

I am fully aware of the rules, risks and hazards connected with participating in the sports related activities associated with the North Ridge Basketball Academy (NRBA).  I have been informed that my child may be challenged to exert themselves in an intense manner, more so than a typical school physical education class setting.  I knowingly and voluntarily consent to my child participating in such potentially hazardous activities and assume the risk of any injuries, regardless of severity, and including death, that may incur to my child resulting from such activities.

I verify that my child has no physical disabilities, impairments, or chemical dependencies that might inhibit their participation in sports activities, that I have major medical health insurance coverage, and that my child has recently been subject to a complete physical examination with satisfactory results suggesting no reason that my child should not participate in the activities of the NRBA.

I hereby release, discharge and waive any and all responsibility to any and all staff, volunteers, board members, hosts and any other persons or entities that are affiliated with the NRBA against all claims of liability for any and all trauma, injury, damage, expense, handicap, disability including death, resulting from or attributable in whole or in part to my child’s participation in NRBA activities.   The NRBA was not asked to exercise any judgment of my child’s ability or advisability of participating in activities related to the NRBA.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the NRBA, its officers, agents, staff, volunteers, representatives, related entities and hosts from and against all liability, claims, demands, actions, loss, costs, fees, and damage arising out of my child’s participation in the activities of the NRBA.

This Informed Consent and Waiver agreement will be construed under and pursuant to the laws of the State of North Carolina.

I, the undersigned, am at least 18 years of age, am competent to sign this consent release, am a parent and/or legal guardian of the child I am registering, and have read, understand, and agree to all the provisions contained herein.


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Document name: Waiver-Release Form B
lock iconUnique Document ID: 045ae3d6a8a6f9033e1df85fe0b9fb69b57a9932
Timestamp Audit
September 16, 2020 2:18 pm ESTWaiver-Release Form B Uploaded by NRBA NRBA - coachmiller@nrbasketballacademy.com IP